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2023-10-25 19:07 来源:最喔网 点击:


Education 教育

Li Ming and Wang Ying are two tudent of Senior Three. They both work hard and but they have different learning method.

Li Ming often leep in cla intead of litening to the teacher. A a reult, he mie lot of point that the teacher make and it uually take him more time to finih hi homework. So he ha to tay up late and doen’t get enough leep.

However, Wang Ying ha quite a different way of learning. She liten attentively and tr


ie to catch everything that the teacher ay in cla. Becaue of thi, he pend le time doing her homework, which make it poible for her to go to bed early.

In my opinion, Wang Ying learn more effectively in cla and ha more free time to enjoy herelf, o I prefer her learning method.





西部支教 Volunteer Teaching in the Wet

With the proce of the WeternDevelopment, a growing number of tudent are volunteered to be a teacher inwetern area. In my point of the view, volunteer teaching in the wet ibeneficial to both the volunteer themelve and the children in the wet.


For one thing, volunteer canbenefit a lot from their volunteer teaching. To help the children in the poorarea, they will feel proud and create a ene of achievement; to learn to livein an under-developed area, they will trengthen their living kill andabandon their habit of luxury and wate a well a etablih the concept offrugality; to erve a volunteer, they will enjoy the happine of making acontribution to our ociety, which i good for their pychological health.


For another thing, thoe childrenwho receive the education can alo benefit a lot. Volunteer teaching not onlyprovide a good chance for them to receive education and increae theirknowledge but alo bring more attention and warm to them. To ome extent, thevolunteer et a good example to thoe children in contributing our ociety.


Except the above benefit,volunteer teaching i alo an important method to increae our nationaleducation and achieve education equality. To um up, volunteer teaching in thewet will bring a lot benefit in many apect, o we hould encourage tudentto take part in it.


It Not Eay to Be a Child-当个小孩不容易

Adult admire children for their carefree life. But they don't know how difficult it i to be a child. He can't cio what he like to cio, and will be blamed when he doe omething wrong or improper. Adult never ak for hi advice. And he can't point out the mitake made by adult. Adult don't

even care about what are really in children' mind. The wort of all i that they regard children a children forever, even when they have grown up omeday.


My School 我的学校

There i a beautiful chool in the Shanghai Wet uburb----Qingpu enior high middle chool. She cover an area of imple more than 150 mu. And it i one of the lodge enior middle chool in Shanghai. That i my chool, my family.


Judging by her ytem, it i not hard for u to know, every tudent who tudie in the chool hould live at chool. Really o, I live at chool all the day.


Our chool i a modern enior middle chool .In each claroom there i a computer which control a projector. It i the paperle teaching that the teacher attend cla. Student pe into it completely.


The environment in the chool i alo the mot. There i a river in the chool ide. And water in river i limpid, in which there i everal mall fih and ome hrimp etc.


The gym intallation of our chool are complete. She not only ha a tartan track, a baketball court and a football field, but alo ha a tenni field ,a huttlecock field ,a table tenni houe and gymnaium etc . Everything needed i there.


Thi i my chool, my family.


I love my chool, and I love my family!


大学教育 I College Education Eential to One' Future

Nowaday, many people have acce to enjoy college education. When it come to college education, we naturally link it with one' future ucce. Different people have different opinion about what a role college education play in the proce of omeone making ucce.


Some people init on that college education i eential to one' future ucce. It ha a great influence on people' life, ince mot of knowledge and kill come from college education, and thee are major important element for ucce. But other think there are not relationhip between college education and one' future ucce. Jut like Bill Gate, Steve Job, they all have dropped out and got great achievement in the future. Moreover, ome valuable experience can't be learned in college. Therefore, they argue that college education i eential to one' future ucce.


Peronally, college education i quite vital. It greatly determine one' future ucce.


We have only one globe 我们只有一个地球

Don't you ee the heavy moke from the big chimney? Don't you mell the ga from the motor all around the treet? We've got much dirtier air! The iceburg are melting from the warmer winter becaue of the air pollution!

Don't you ee there are le live in the water? Don't you ee that we mut pay higher cot in water proceing? We've got much darker water running around! The ocean are in great danger.

Don't you ee the mountain getting bald? Don't you ee our ground becoming hollow? We've been exhauting the reource beneath the earth. Our grandchildren will live on nothing.

We have only one globe. Treaure the mother nature!



