A curtain of clear rain, dropped a Wang of tears, a lingering, rubbed off a broken heart.
You drink your tea and I taste my liquor. From then on, you and I will never meet again in our life.
All good things in the world are worth cherishing. The evening breeze on the lake bank, the rainbow beside the clouds, the sunset with the ears of wheat rolled up, and the long flute sound in the mountains and forests are like a love letter sandwiched in the yellowing pages.
Days are always like fine sand passing through your fingertips, slipping quietly inadvertently.
Don't touch the drinking glass, turn around and kowtow on a snowy night. When I wake up, I write about heaven and earth and you.
My life is desolate, only when I am with you, I laugh wantonly and cry soundly.
After considering the years and copying the years, I finally covered the past as light as smoke and mist with quicksand. After a long absence, I hastened the withering of my white hair, and then the end of the world.
Go to a quiet corner and be a quiet child.
Embrace your innocence, accept your helplessness and pity your stubbornness.
When love comes to the depths, the flowers bloom, and when love comes to the shallows, the leaves fail.Even if I miss it, I will become your most beautiful scenery.
The still water flows deep, the vicissitudes of life sing, the three lives are cloudy, sunny, round and short, and once there are joys and sorrows.
The mountain has a peak and the sea has the other side. After a long journey, there will be a turn. The aftertaste is bitter and sweet.
When I meet you, my eyebrows and eyes begin to bend, and all the stars are you. The spring breeze is not as good as you. You are in and out of your dreams.
I am the snow alone outside the mountains and rivers in late winter. You are the green plum swaggering among the trees in late summer
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