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In a modern ociety, people alway face the dilemma to chooe whether AAA or BBB. Thi problem i the much debated one in that it affect everybody in their daily live. People may prefer one to another although ome may have no opinion about it at all. Before rendering my opinion, I think it i neceary to take a glance at the argument of both ide.

It i quite eay for average people to chooe BBB becaue of the obviou reaon that—. It can be given by a well known example that

But at the mean time, although BBB ha ome advantage, it alo ha many drawback uc


h a —. Therefore we have no complete evidence to ugget that BBB i alway better than AAA. What i more, the innate quality of AAA, unfortunately, i often underetimated;in other word,if you notice the inviible benefit of chooing AAA, you can undertand AAA more deeply

Here I would explain a few of the mot important reaon. The main reaon i that —. To illutrate thi, there i an appropriate example that i very peruaive: -

— i only part of the important apect, and another equally ignificant role of chooing AAA lie in the development of —.

Thi demontrate the undeniable fact that —.

Beide, the further reaon why I advocate AAA i that —. Thi may explain why —.

In addition, ome expert maintain that —-. Thi ignificant point, however, i often not noticed by mot people and accordingly, i unconciouly overlooked

Finally, a a proverb ay, “Everything ha two ide”. Although I admit that there are a couple of advantage of —-, I till think that the diadvantage of it are more obviou. Such a —, —-, and —-. Thi demontrate that we have no complete evidence to ugget that BBB i alway better than AAA

If all the factor above are conidered, we will find out that the advantage of AAA outweigh thoe of BBB. Therefore from what we have dicued, we may afely come to the concluion that chooing AAA i a rather wie deciion. But I have not denied the opinion that chooing BBB. I mut admit that people can do well without AAA, but no one can ignore the added convenience and atifaction offered by AAA. Such experience will definitely be helpful in one’ later life。

编辑 angel

Chapter 24: Writing a Paragraph: Focu on Coherence and Unity

The lat chapter dicued the importance of uing good grammar and good word choice in your writing. However, the mot grammatically perfect paragraph will not receive a good grade if it i poorly organized and not focued on a central idea. The paragraph mut have unity and coherence. Thee idea were dicued briefly in chapter 22, but in thi chapter we will explore unity and coherence more fully o that you can learn how thee element impact your writing.

A you learned in Chapter 22, coherence i whether or not what you write make ene and whether or not the idea are arranged in a logical manner. If idea are out of order in writing, then the reader ha a very difficult time trying to undertand your point. A a reult the reader will loe interet and you will not be able to convey your point.

Unity i equally important. Unity mean that your writing tick to one point at a time. When you mix and match idea in writing jumping from one idea to the next and back again, the reader ha a hard time following you. Inevitably, the reader will not undertand your point and will eventually loe interet. Thi chapter explore way to help you make certain that your writing i both coherent and unified.

Chapter 21: Writing a Paragraph: Deviing a Plan -- Outline

Once you have generated a topic entence and the detail to upport that topic entence, it i time to organize your idea. By organizing your idea you will create a clear picture of the tructure of your paragraph. The mot efficient way to organize idea i to outline them. With the aid of an outline you will be able to decide if you have enough upporting idea for your topic entence and you will be able to eliminate thoe detail that do not upport your topic entence. The outline will alo let you tet variou method of organization to decide which one uit your topic entence the bet and let you tet the placement of your topic entence within the paragraph to ee where it will have the greatet impact on the reader. With the ue of an outline you hould be able to create organized, coherent, unified, well-upported paragraph.

Chapter 23: Writing a Paragraph: Polihing, Proofreading, and Preparing Final Copy?Final Line

The lat tep in the writing proce i proofreading. After you have finihed developing and upporting your idea and after you have checked the organization, it i time to put the finihing touche on your paragraph. A your lat tep you need to check the pelling, punctuation, mechanic, and word choice of your paragraph a well a check to be certain you have a concluding tatement. You cannot check all of thee thing in one reading o you hould break the tak into ection. Firt, check the punctuation and mechanic of your paragraph. Thi mean you are making ure you don't have error like comma plice or fragment. You are alo making ure you put quetion mark at the end of quetion and period at the end of tatement.

The next tep i to check your word choice and pelling. You want to be ure that you have ued the correct word for your intended meaning, o you want to be ure that you haven't ued a two when you need a too. Be ure to double check the pelling of any word you often mipell and look up any word you are unure of. If you are word proceing, ue the pell check on your computer to help you with your poible pelling mitake.

Chapter 26: Writing from Reading

The firt tep when you write from what you read i to be ure you undertand what you have read. To enure your undertanding, you hould be an active reader. Thi mean that you hould read more than once with a different purpoe each time, you hould ak quetion before, during, and after you read, and you hould make note a you read.

Once you have read actively, you will be prepared to write in a number of different way. You will be able to ummarize what you have read. That mean you are accurately re-telling the author' main idea in your own word. A ummary alo give the major upporting detail the author ha ued to upport the main idea. Once again though, ummarie are written in YOUR word not the author' word.

Another method of writing about what you have read i to repond to the reading. When you repond to a reading, you pick out a particular point or idea that the author ha made and then braintorm to develop your own idea baed on the author' thought. Unlike ummarizing, you are generating your own idea baed on the author' original thought.

Rather than generating a new idea, you may alo chooe to repond to an idea in the reading. You may agree or diagree with a point the author ha made. In your writing, you will explain why you agree or diagree with that point. Once again, you are coming up with your own reaoning and your own wording in repone to omething you have read.

A particular type of writing you will be required to do i writing anwer to eay tet. Eay tet quetion often ak you to read material and then either ummarize the material or repond to it in a particular way. The one thing that make eay tet writing different from other writing ituation i the time limit. In a teting ituation you will carefully monitor your ue of time and you won't put all of the polihing touche in that you would if you had unlimited time to complete the writing.

Thee are ome of the way you can tie the material that you read to the material you write. You will find that if you follow the advice given in thi chapter that you will never be at a lo for a topic to write about.

Chapter 25: Writing a Paragraph: Focu on Support and Detail

In thi chapter you will tudy the importance of being pecific in the detail you ue to upport an idea. When you write in vague, general term, you leave the reader to interpret what you mean and often the reader will not have enough information to accurately do that. You mut be clear in your meaning o that anyone who read your work undertand exactly what you want him to undertand.

It i equally important that you provide enough information to upport your idea. Generally you need 3 to 5 example per idea to be ure you've given ufficient upport. The bet way to develop upport i to ak yourelf quetion about your idea. You can evaluate the upport at each tage of the writing proce. Much of the work that you do in the rough line editing i evaluating upport and aking quetion to be ure you have aid enough to clearly communicate your idea to your audience.

Once you have gathered together a many detail a you think you need, you then organize them with a rough outline. Thi give you another opportunity to check for ufficient upport. Doe each ection of the outline eem developed? I there more than one detail for each ection? Have you ued pecific rather than general word a you've outlined? At thi point you double-check the topic entence to be ure it cover all your detail. Alway remember that the more detail you put in the outline the more detail will make it into your paragraph.

If you are at a lo for detail, try turning to your ene. Aking quetion about how omething look, feel, tate, mell, and ound can provide you with plenty of detail. When you are decribing an event ak quetion like who, what, when, where, how, and why. Read the lecture below for further information on developing upport and detail for your writing.