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2023-10-26 10:28 来源:最喔网 点击:


With the ame dream and the ame deire, we have come together from every part of the country and from many different area. Facing innumerable trange face, I realized that I’ve been a college tudent, a tudent who jut tarted in ociety and a big child who hould have known how to take care of himelf.

The firt two day

The college had u do our military training for the firt two week. In fact, I have done military training everal time; each time leave a wonderful memory. Although we jut


have had two day of the military training till now, it i a time to be real.

It wa raining for two day. Sometime I even felt proud when the rain ran down my cheek. Maybe it wa a ene of achievement that growth ha given to me. Becaue we were wet all over, our company commander let u ing Sailor, a ong ung everal hundred time before. However, given the pecial ituation, the ong eem o good for it and make u think. Ye, the ong deliver a kind of pirit, a tate of mind, a kind of courage unafraid of work or getting work. The company commander teache u again and again. Do they only teach u thee imple act? No! They are teaching u a way of being a man and an attitude of doing thing. That’ what we lack. We hould eize the uncommon chance and forge ourelve to be a ueful man, a firm and peritent man!

The unhine alway come after the torm and i waiting for u. We are expecting unhine a well. The un will hine again after rain.

Be browned, but healthier

“We have to get up at around 5 o’clock, uffering from not enough leep. The training i o intene, which gave me a bad appetite. But then, I’m much healthier. You can ee from my face…” A younger chool iter aid with a forced mile. Yeah, her face i browned by the un, and eem thinner than before. The ten day training i really practical. Though it i the lat day of the military training, you cannot ee any tiredne from the miling face in the training field; they eem ready and happy…”

Drill, jut thi word

In the burning un, we repeated the imple and boring “At eae” and “Attention”; in the cool rain of morning, we practiced March, Double time march and houted loud and clear logan; in the blowing and, we drilled each motion of corp fit time after time… The ten day military training could be decribed a uffering. Beide, none of our drillmater till ha a good voice now. It’ really uncomfortable to be trained in the Aembly ground, the flaming un hining on the ground and you couldn’t ee any hady or a cool place. Moreover, the purpoe of military training i to not only be trained like a oldier, but alo to learn to be patient, initent, hare happine and pain and change to any environment. A frehman aid, “What’ military training? Drill, jut thi word!”

Drillmater alo crazy

Encouraged by the drillmater, the tudent have become crazy to “Sing a ong, ing a ong!” Thereupon, Qinghai-Tibet Platean (Qingzang Gaoyuan) flew over here, Beautiful Graland won a burt of applaue there. “Zhou Jielun” ha jut been finihed, “Couin Lin” wa heard… All kind of flavor, both claical and popular at the ame time. The ground wa full of ong and laughter. A one top, another tart. It’ really lovely and buy! The drillmater alo became crazy with the tudent intead of erioune a uual. They acted in command for a while, then became a guet compere… The tudent wouldn’t let their drillmater go at thi moment. “Drill mater, ing a ong! Sing a ong!” With that, the drillmater howed off hi kill and won a loud applaue.

Go by the reviewing tand

With full pirit, orderly march, and confident mile on their face, ten of S-band went by the reviewing tand, houting loud and clear logan. The leader and teacher of the college ent them an ardent look and they alo received a burt of applaue. A parent of a frehman from Jiangu, eeing hi child going by with orderly march from the platform, aid happily, “I can et my heart at ret and go home tomorrow. It’ the firt time our on leave home, I wan’t ure that he would change with college life. But from hi performance today I know he progreed a lot. The drillmater paid great effort and the children alo did. I’m aured now!”

Time to ay goodbye

Although the tudent often complained during the training, they didn’t like to ay goodbye to each other when it wa time to ay goodbye to the military training and their beloved drillmater. “I really don’t want to go! We will truly tart our college life tomorrow. That i a happy thing. I mut take a photo with my drillmater to remember the experience.” So the younger chool-brother and chool-iter began looking for the drillmater.

Military training i uch an unforgettable experience; it’ a memory worthy of treauring for ever.

Going through the military training, we learned to be quiet, to think, to be calm and peaceful. We don’t want to dream of what will come tomorrow. The important thing i to live each day well. So I am looking for a new un. I believe the future cenery mut be beautiful.
















